Saturday, November 18, 2006

Web portal of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is on BETA run

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade's webportal of general services is out for beta testing. The website address is From this site you will be able to search the registered business names in Maldives. This include shops, café's, companies etc. An interesting feature in this website will be the SMS functionality. You can reserve business names for a specified duration and will be notified via email or SMS when your reservation expires. Sounds interesting dho.. but the sad news is that SMS part is not yet functional in the website but I have completed it and given to the Ministry.


Anonymous said...

dude ur site have plenty (i found 2) of sql injection holes and xss vulnerabilities

chopey said...

yeah; thats very true. the page
is a good play ground. fix that ASAP.

naxim said...

thanx a lot… chopey.. for trying that website and letting me know the security issues.. I have corrected a few of those flaws from Trade’s web-portal and am still trying to make it more secure..